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According to the report of the financial system to cut in September 2014, the total number of credit cards in the country reached 10,441,812, a figure showing an increase of 14.8% from the previous year when 9,090,554 cards were recorded. 

  although Colombians increasingly have greater access to credit cards, some experts think that there is still a relatively low incidence compared with other countries. President Colpatria, Santiago Perdomo, said that "this year the growth of credit cards has been very modest since last year rose to 30%, while so far in 2012 is 15% something that might not be as good because there is great interest in banking services the population at the moment and one of the ways to achieve this goal is by credit card".















The increased use of credits in the consumer society, plays an important role, because the more out products, but they will sell, indebting buyers giants, facilitating easier by banks access credits, as the specialist says in banking at the University of the Andes, Alfredo Barragan, "Banks by the desire to offer more and better products fall into the mistake of not assess people well, which is a big risk running the financial system because it does not look at whether the type of places that offer the user are appropriate. " 

The information was taken from the official website of the magazine “La Republica”


Taken from the magazine "La Republica".

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