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Policies for employees


Politics for employees:


1.     Multilevel job status:










New employee             Bronze employee              Silver employee             Gold employee


Different categories of employees to motivate them to give their best


Time in the company: 1 year - 2 years - 4 years - Over 5 years

Salary increase: 0% - 5% - 15% 25%

Vacations time: 20 days - 30 days - 45 days - 60 days


2. Health & Wellness:


Provide the business with a gym to allow employees to exercise on their free time.










3. Our family cooks


Provide cooking classes for employees as well.















4. Our Mail Box


Create a mail box to allow employees to express their comforts and discomforts.











5. My children in my job


Provide a reasonable discount for employees to subscribe their children to the cooking workshops.
















6. Field Day (Last year)


Share a family day to dismiss the year.


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