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Level of disposable income: also called "Personal disposable income", which is the amount of income that the company or person has to consume and/or save. Its obtained as national income less direct taxes, more transfers, less payments to social security, less benefits, more dividends distributed.


For example, as mentioned by DANE "To the extent that families with higher incomes, spending proportionately transport, recreation and culture, restaurants and hotels, clothing, education and other expenses is higher. On the other hand, low-income families spend proportionately more on food, shelter and services. This confirms that the necessary goods consumption levels remain high even when income levels are low".


Image take from DANE

The level of disposable income interferes with education because this is also one of the expenses that are involved in the total household income. However, in the lower strata most children study at public schools, where parents have to pay nothing or a low fee. Still there are not enough number of institutions to cover national education, so if you do not have disposable income to education, many children will be left without education.


DANE official website.

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