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Number of Marriages:
According to the Oxford Dictionary, marriage is defined as “the legally or formally recognized union of a man and a woman (or, in some jurisdictions, two people of the same sex) as partners in a relationship” there are two types of marriages, the one performed by the church and the one performed on a notary.
On the chart below the number of civil matrimonies held during 2011, 2012 and 2013 are shown, there is an outstanding decrease on the number of marriages on 2013 where the high-peak is of 5.797, wich is around 4.000 less than on the previous years.
Critical analysis:
Marriages are fundamental for the education industry, this is due to the fact that supposedly the more marriages there are, the more children will be born into this world and will need education, and therefore the decreasing number of marriages is a threat to the industry.
Super intendencia de notariado & registro. Disminuye número de matrimonios y divorcios en colombia. Retrieved August 22, 2015, from https://www.supernotariado.gov.co/portalsnr/images/archivosupernotariado/boletines2013/boletin13nov2103.pdf
Oxford Dictionaries. Marriage. Retrieved August 25, 2015, from http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/marriage